The public is invited and welcome to attend the next and final listening seesion and meeting of the Diocese of Lansing Task Force on Race and Catholic Schools at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 at St. Thomas Aquainas Church, 955 Alton Road, East Lansing.
The task force is a racially and ethnically diverse group comprising appointees from around the diocese. Bishop Boyea has asked the members of the task Force to listen to all diocesan Catholic School consituents – students, families, faculty, and staff – on the matter of race and Catholic schools.
Bishop Boyea expects the task force to develop and deliver to him a set of recommendations later this year, in accordance with Catholic social teaching about how Diocese of Lansing Catholic Schools can better understand the needs of racial and ethnic communities in the context of the community of God, which gives meaning and substance to each of us and our relationship each other, as Jesus made clear.